Tricks in Cygwin

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How to change default font colors

At the first glance you may think Cygwin has much less configurable option comparing to other ssh clients, it turns out it is much much stronger than others.

Changing font colors is editing one of the environment variable - .minttyrc under your home directory. Add the following lines which I found it comfortable to view through my PC monitors. Of course, you may adjust according to your favor.

ForegroundColour = 131, 148, 150
BackgroundColour =   0,   0,   0
CursorColour     = 220,  50,  47

Black            =   7,  54,  66
BoldBlack        =   0,  43,  54
Red              = 220,  50,  47
BoldRed          = 203,  75,  22
Green            =   0, 200, 132
BoldGreen        =   0, 200, 132
Yellow           = 204, 204, 102
BoldYellow       = 204, 204, 102
Blue             = 102, 153, 204
BoldBlue         = 102, 153, 204
Magenta          = 211,  54, 130
BoldMagenta      = 108, 113, 196
Cyan             =  42, 161, 152
BoldCyan         = 147, 161, 161
White            = 238, 232, 213
BoldWhite        = 253, 246, 227