From Computational Biophysics and Materials Science Group
To be checked
In progress
- After obtain the number of lipids vs. time using the COM definition, calculation hill coefficient from this relationship, summarize in a table and compare old and new ones.
- g(r) calculation: bin size 2A, two layers separately, and then take the average, plot three curves in one plot for each system
- Animations of new simulations
- run 2 sets of simulations for 6 types of lipids asap, we need the data in 2 weeks and submit the paper by the end of this month.
- BN manuscript figures
- calculate Hill coefficient for two simulations, summarize it in a table
- calculate No. of lipids using COM of each lipid rather than P atom
- g(r) calculation using last 50ns rather than last 10 ns, also for BN-lipid interaction energy, Scd
- Why Scd of POPS changed a lot, compare new and old simulations, re-check the calculation.
- Name of lipids are all in capital letters.
- Questions
- Interaction Energy between lipids are only in the same layer or all lipids? Please re-calculate it for the same layer and between different layers, and re-compare.
- views of lipids on different layers, how do you define layers, based on g(y) or g(r)?
- How long are the simulations of 295 and 300K pure DMPC membrane ? Which time period are used for Scd calculation?
- Why energy between lipids are the same (old and new) on your slide 9 of 8/1?
- About the Scd comparison slide
- Please answer 3 comments on the slide in red
- BN manuscript figure
- Fig.1 simulation snapshots
- Fig.2 TEM results (Exp)
- Fig.3 Extract time
- Fig.4 Energy
- Fig.5 EDS results (Exp)
- Fig.5 Ordering
- BN manuscript SI figure
- move the COM, Energy evolution profile to SI
- Check the Tm of POPE (298K)
- BN manuscript
- DMPC Scd data
- calculate with gromacs
- value of each tailed carbon
- DMPC RDF data
- check the data of 295k and 300k
- Rerun data analysis
- for 7 bilayer membrane
- Movie of DMPC Mem